Geoscience and Geoengineering Research Department
Open position for a Research Assistant in the field
Of Geomechanics and Geotechnics
MINES ParisTech, one of the major French higher education and research institution, has an
opening for a gifted young scientist at Research Assistant level in the field of Geomechanics and
Geotechnics. The appointment will be for an initial period of three years maximum; subject to good
performance, this position will be extended to a permanent associate professor position.
The position offers opportunities for strong collaborations with other industrial and academic R&D
groups at European and international level. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity
to co-supervise Master and Ph. D. students.
Starting annual gross salary range will be 35 to 40 k€, depending upon previous experience. This
salary will evolve according to results.
1. The Geoscience and Geoengineering research department
The Geoscience and Geoengineering research department of MINES ParisTech focuses on research
and teaching activities in the field of applied Earth Sciences. It is located in Fontainebleau, 65 km
South of Paris.
Research and training activities cover the various fields in relation to the understanding of mining
and management of underground resources (mineral raw material, oil&gaz, groundwater, deep
underground waste storages, tunnelling and underground space management) in the context of a
sustainable development.
The Geoscience and Geoengineering department is divided into six research teams which cover
most of the applied Earth Sciences fields (geology, geophysics, geostatistics, hydrogeology,
hydrochemistry, engineering geology and geomechanics). Research activities are generally
multidisciplinary and involve several teams of the department, topics spanning from original and
fundamental developments to innovative industrial solutions. The department employs 54 tenured
researchers, 34 technicians and about 65 Ph. D. students.
The department also benefits from experimental facilities dedicated to rock and water
characterization (ionic microprobe, SEM, XRD, water chemistry analysis…), to soil and rock
mechanical testing, and finally to simulate rock cutting and oil&gaz drilling processes.
The Geoscience and Geoengineering research department takes also part in the MINES ParisTech
graduate school and PhD programs in association with several Paris Universities. Besides, the
department offers several professional trainings (6 to 9 months; about 50 trainees per year) in the
fields of public administration of mining activities, geostatistics, open-pit mining, and economic
evaluation of mining projects.
(see for more information)
2. To apply
At the time of the appointment, the candidates must have a doctoral degree in Earth sciences or
related subject.
As the position implies cooperation with international partners, strong social skills as well as good
knowledge of English language are required. A first experience in academic or industrial research
would be appreciated.
Applications must be submitted by March 16th 2012.
All applications must include:
– a detailed curriculum vitae;
– a list of publications and recent projects;
– a cover letter indicating the profile on which the person candidates, and presenting the
research project of the candidate;
– the names and contact information of three references.
Applications should be sent via E-mail or by post to:
Isabelle Olzenski
Centre de GĂ©osciences
MINES ParisTech
35, rue Saint-Honoré
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Phone : + 33 1 64 69 49 56 – Fax : + 33 1 64 69 47 11
E-mail :
3. Position in Geomechanics and Geotechnics
Research context
The Engineering Geology and Geomechanics team is made of fifteen permanent teachersresearchers
and is thus the most important team of the Geoscience and Geoengineering research
department. Its research works can be classified into two major fields: management and exploitation
of soils, rocks, or underground space; control of geotechnical hazards and risks. The research topics
of the team deal with theoretical and experimental modelling in the following topics:
- evolution, stability and failure of geomaterials (soils, rocks and cement materials);
- thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled phenomena in geotechnics;
- interaction between structure and geomaterials and mechanical behaviour of interfaces
(reinforcement of soils and rocks, mechanical behaviour of drillstring assembly inside
boreholes, wearing of cutting and drilling tools, …).
The team is expecting applications for two different profiles (see here-after). The
candidate will specify the profile he/she is applying for.
Description of the first profile
The candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching-training tasks, specifically in the
field of structural analysis and its applications in the design of civil engineering underground
works, geological storage of hydrocarbons or waste, as well as in mechanical simulation (static
and dynamic) of oil&gaz drilling systems. He/she will contribute to the improvement of the
structural analysis software which are developed by the team.
The candidate will take part in the preparation of research actions, including development of
partnerships with other research institutions, in France and abroad, and looking for cofinancings
from companies, national agencies or European funds. He/she will actively
contribute to the recognition of the team by promoting the research undertaken with the
industrial world through participation to scientific events and publications.
The candidate may be involved in teaching in the frame of the training activities of the team.
Specificities of the candidate
The candidate should have good skills to develop static and dynamic numerical modelling of
the mechanical behaviour of structures. He/she has to be able to use numerical simulation tools
(mainly FEM codes) and to contribute to their development. Finally, he/she will have the
necessary skills to develop and monitor a lab or in situ experimental program.
Description of the second profile
The candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching-training tasks, specifically in
theoretical and experimental modelling of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled processes in
geotechnics. He/she will have to supervise laboratory tests in the field of rock and/or soil
mechanics, to develop testing programs for given purposes, to identify parameters of existing
rock/soil behaviour laws, and, if necessary, to formulate new rheological laws and integrate
them in the existing codes.
These research domains are essential for the design of civil engineering underground works or
gaz storage cavities, for the safety analysis of underground storage projects of industrial or
radioactive waste, as well as for the exploitation of certain types of oil&gaz reservoirs. Most
of these research activities need a multidisciplinary approach, and as a result the candidate will
have to work closely with other teams of the department (Hydrological systems and reservoirs
for the analysis of the hydro-mechanical behaviour, Reactive hydrodynamics for the chemical
The candidate will take part in the preparation of research actions, including development of
partnerships with other research institutions, in France and abroad, and looking for cofinancings
from companies, national agencies or European funds. He/she will actively
contribute to the recognition of the team by promoting the research undertaken with the
industrial world through participation to scientific events and publications.
The candidate may be involved in teaching in the frame of the training activities of the team.
Specificities of the candidate
The candidate should have a very good knowledge of rock and/or soil physics and their
behaviour. He/she should have a significant experience in modelling of the equations which
govern mechanical or thermal phenomena, as well as flow in porous media; he/she will be able
to contribute to the evolution of existing software, as well as the development of new ones.
Finally, he/she will have the necessary skills to develop and monitor a lab or in situ
experimental program.
Contacts for further questions related to both profiles
For more information on scientific questions:
– Hedi Sellami : ; phone : + 33 1 64 69 48 92
For more information on administrative questions:
– Isabelle Olzenski : ; phone : + 33 1 64 69 49 56
Open position for a Research Assistant in the field
Of Geomechanics and Geotechnics
MINES ParisTech, one of the major French higher education and research institution, has an
opening for a gifted young scientist at Research Assistant level in the field of Geomechanics and
Geotechnics. The appointment will be for an initial period of three years maximum; subject to good
performance, this position will be extended to a permanent associate professor position.
The position offers opportunities for strong collaborations with other industrial and academic R&D
groups at European and international level. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity
to co-supervise Master and Ph. D. students.
Starting annual gross salary range will be 35 to 40 k€, depending upon previous experience. This
salary will evolve according to results.
1. The Geoscience and Geoengineering research department
The Geoscience and Geoengineering research department of MINES ParisTech focuses on research
and teaching activities in the field of applied Earth Sciences. It is located in Fontainebleau, 65 km
South of Paris.
Research and training activities cover the various fields in relation to the understanding of mining
and management of underground resources (mineral raw material, oil&gaz, groundwater, deep
underground waste storages, tunnelling and underground space management) in the context of a
sustainable development.
The Geoscience and Geoengineering department is divided into six research teams which cover
most of the applied Earth Sciences fields (geology, geophysics, geostatistics, hydrogeology,
hydrochemistry, engineering geology and geomechanics). Research activities are generally
multidisciplinary and involve several teams of the department, topics spanning from original and
fundamental developments to innovative industrial solutions. The department employs 54 tenured
researchers, 34 technicians and about 65 Ph. D. students.
The department also benefits from experimental facilities dedicated to rock and water
characterization (ionic microprobe, SEM, XRD, water chemistry analysis…), to soil and rock
mechanical testing, and finally to simulate rock cutting and oil&gaz drilling processes.
The Geoscience and Geoengineering research department takes also part in the MINES ParisTech
graduate school and PhD programs in association with several Paris Universities. Besides, the
department offers several professional trainings (6 to 9 months; about 50 trainees per year) in the
fields of public administration of mining activities, geostatistics, open-pit mining, and economic
evaluation of mining projects.
(see for more information)
2. To apply
At the time of the appointment, the candidates must have a doctoral degree in Earth sciences or
related subject.
As the position implies cooperation with international partners, strong social skills as well as good
knowledge of English language are required. A first experience in academic or industrial research
would be appreciated.
Applications must be submitted by March 16th 2012.
All applications must include:
– a detailed curriculum vitae;
– a list of publications and recent projects;
– a cover letter indicating the profile on which the person candidates, and presenting the
research project of the candidate;
– the names and contact information of three references.
Applications should be sent via E-mail or by post to:
Isabelle Olzenski
Centre de GĂ©osciences
MINES ParisTech
35, rue Saint-Honoré
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Phone : + 33 1 64 69 49 56 – Fax : + 33 1 64 69 47 11
E-mail :
3. Position in Geomechanics and Geotechnics
Research context
The Engineering Geology and Geomechanics team is made of fifteen permanent teachersresearchers
and is thus the most important team of the Geoscience and Geoengineering research
department. Its research works can be classified into two major fields: management and exploitation
of soils, rocks, or underground space; control of geotechnical hazards and risks. The research topics
of the team deal with theoretical and experimental modelling in the following topics:
- evolution, stability and failure of geomaterials (soils, rocks and cement materials);
- thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled phenomena in geotechnics;
- interaction between structure and geomaterials and mechanical behaviour of interfaces
(reinforcement of soils and rocks, mechanical behaviour of drillstring assembly inside
boreholes, wearing of cutting and drilling tools, …).
The team is expecting applications for two different profiles (see here-after). The
candidate will specify the profile he/she is applying for.
Description of the first profile
The candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching-training tasks, specifically in the
field of structural analysis and its applications in the design of civil engineering underground
works, geological storage of hydrocarbons or waste, as well as in mechanical simulation (static
and dynamic) of oil&gaz drilling systems. He/she will contribute to the improvement of the
structural analysis software which are developed by the team.
The candidate will take part in the preparation of research actions, including development of
partnerships with other research institutions, in France and abroad, and looking for cofinancings
from companies, national agencies or European funds. He/she will actively
contribute to the recognition of the team by promoting the research undertaken with the
industrial world through participation to scientific events and publications.
The candidate may be involved in teaching in the frame of the training activities of the team.
Specificities of the candidate
The candidate should have good skills to develop static and dynamic numerical modelling of
the mechanical behaviour of structures. He/she has to be able to use numerical simulation tools
(mainly FEM codes) and to contribute to their development. Finally, he/she will have the
necessary skills to develop and monitor a lab or in situ experimental program.
Description of the second profile
The candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching-training tasks, specifically in
theoretical and experimental modelling of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled processes in
geotechnics. He/she will have to supervise laboratory tests in the field of rock and/or soil
mechanics, to develop testing programs for given purposes, to identify parameters of existing
rock/soil behaviour laws, and, if necessary, to formulate new rheological laws and integrate
them in the existing codes.
These research domains are essential for the design of civil engineering underground works or
gaz storage cavities, for the safety analysis of underground storage projects of industrial or
radioactive waste, as well as for the exploitation of certain types of oil&gaz reservoirs. Most
of these research activities need a multidisciplinary approach, and as a result the candidate will
have to work closely with other teams of the department (Hydrological systems and reservoirs
for the analysis of the hydro-mechanical behaviour, Reactive hydrodynamics for the chemical
The candidate will take part in the preparation of research actions, including development of
partnerships with other research institutions, in France and abroad, and looking for cofinancings
from companies, national agencies or European funds. He/she will actively
contribute to the recognition of the team by promoting the research undertaken with the
industrial world through participation to scientific events and publications.
The candidate may be involved in teaching in the frame of the training activities of the team.
Specificities of the candidate
The candidate should have a very good knowledge of rock and/or soil physics and their
behaviour. He/she should have a significant experience in modelling of the equations which
govern mechanical or thermal phenomena, as well as flow in porous media; he/she will be able
to contribute to the evolution of existing software, as well as the development of new ones.
Finally, he/she will have the necessary skills to develop and monitor a lab or in situ
experimental program.
Contacts for further questions related to both profiles
For more information on scientific questions:
– Hedi Sellami : ; phone : + 33 1 64 69 48 92
For more information on administrative questions:
– Isabelle Olzenski : ; phone : + 33 1 64 69 49 56